Luis Lesmes, CEO and co-founder of Adaptive Sensory Technology, is a leader in translating novel adaptive methods to clinical and practical testing applications.

The core technology of Adaptive Sensory Technology is an application of Bayesian adaptive algorithms to rapid and precise assessment of the contrast sensitivity function.

Luis Lesmes has a B.S. in Psychobiology from University of Southern California, a PhD in Experimental Psychology from University of Southern California, and completed postdoctoral training in the Vision Center Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He had a Senior Scientific Associate position at the Schepens Eye Research Institute, Mass Eye and Ear.

Gephstein, S., Lesmes, L.A., & Albright, T.D. (2013).
Sensory Adaptation as Optimal Resource Allocation.
Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA.
110 (11), 4368–4373. PMID: 23431202.
Lesmes, L. A., Jackson, M., & Bex, P. J. (2013).
Visual Function Endpoints to Enable Dry AMD Clinical Trials.
Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies.
Hou, F.., Huang, C.B., Lesmes, L.A., Feng, L.-X., Zhou, Y.-F., & Lu, Z.-L. (2010).
qCSF in Clinical Application: Efficient Characterization and Classification of Contrast Sensitivity Functions in Amblyopia.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.
51(10), 5365-5377. PMID: 20484592
Lesmes, L.A., Lu, Z.-L., Baek, J, & Albright, T.D. (2010).
Bayesian Adaptive Estimation of the Contrast Sensitivity Function: the quick CSF Method.
Journal of Vision.
10(3):17, 1-21,, doi:10.1167/10.3.17. PMID: 20377294.
Lesmes, L. A., Jeon, S., Lu, Z.-L., & Dosher, B. (2006).
Bayesian adaptive estimation of threshold vs. contrast external noise functions: The quick TvC (qTvC) method.
Vision Research.
46,19, 3160-3176. PMID: 16782167.
Lu, Z.-L., Lesmes, L., & Sperling, G. (1999).
Perceptual motion standstill from rapidly moving chromatic displays.
Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA,
96, 15374-15379. PMID: 10611391.
Lu, Z.-L., Lesmes, L., & Sperling, G. (1999).
Mechanisms of isoluminant chromatic motion perception.
Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA,
96, 8289-8294. PMID: 10393987.
Lu, Z.-L., L.A. Lesmes, & Dosher, B.A. (2002)
Spatial attention excludes external noise at the target location.
Journal of Vision,
2 (4): 312-323. PMID: 12678581